Board Reviews
Corporate governance is now firmly in the spotlight with shareholders and the public keen to ensure that Boards operate effectively.
Meeting public and regulatory requirements can put significant pressure on ensuring that Boards are delivering. Based on years of experience working with Boards and in the appointment of Chairs and non- executive directors, we have developed an assessment tool which give chairs the objective information they need to run an effective board – with the lowest possible intrusion. Our Board Review is structured around the evaluation of agreed core competencies and detailed discussions with all Board members about how their Board can best improve its collective performance.
A board review may be conducted for any, or all, of the following reasons;
Performance Assessment
How effective are the working and communication styles of members? Are members provided with all the information they need in a timely manner? How well are meetings conducted? How well does the Board conform with best practice?
Clarity of purpose
What is the role of the Board versus Management? The role of Board in strategy development? What constitutes good governance?
Size and Structure
Is the Board the right size? Does it have the right combination of skills? The right committees? How does it compare to similar organisations?
Reviews can also include salary benchmarking and competitor analysis.