Leadership Advisory

We have a long history in Leadership advisory.

Executive Assessments

Increasingly, our clients are demanding deeper, objective information on their shortlisted candidates to add further insight into selection decisions. In addition to experience and presentation style, clients are rightly interested in a candidates’ potential leadership success: how they think, what motivates them and how they influence and lead. Our in-house team of fully accredited organisational psychology practitioners are fully accredited in the use of psychometric tests and can objectively appraise the shortlisted candidate against these and other personal qualities.


We offer the same approach whether you are dealing with a new hire or a current incumbent. We explore not only individual traits, but also how they are supported or suppressed by particular organisational norms and cultures. By approaching coaching systemically, we can understand not only on how an individual is behaving, but more importantly why they are behaving that way. The coaching which follows carries a much greater impact in terms of the accuracy and effectiveness of our insights. All of our work begins with a developmental assessment, followed by a tailored plan of coaching, line manager review and stakeholder feedback.

Board Reviews

Corporate governance is now firmly in the spotlight with shareholders and the general public keen to ensure that Boards operate effectively.

Meeting public and regulatory requirements can put significant pressure on ensuring that Boards are delivering. Based on years of experience working with Boards and in the appointment of Chairs and non- executive directors, we have developed an assessment tool which give chairs the objective information they need to run an effective board – with the lowest possible intrusion. Our Board Review is structured around the evaluation of agreed core competencies and detailed discussions with all Board members about how their Board can best improve its collective performance.

Talent Mapping

We are often asked by our clients to use our in-house research expertise to map the market for outstanding talent or to benchmark their own capability. Our approach is bespoke and we provide outstanding market intelligence for our clients.

Remuneration Benchmarking

Remuneration benchmarking allows our clients to match positions with their organisations to similar positions in the market and compare potential differences in salaries and benefits.

There are a number of benefits to benchmarking market salaries including:

  • increasing staff retention by ensuring competitive salaries and benefits,
  • increased accuracy in budgeting for salary costs,
  • helping to develop standardised bands and remuneration policies, and
  • comparison of all components including cash and other benefits.

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